I can't believe it is now four weeks since I arrived back to my city life.
For some reason I have found it a hard slog to get back into my blog. I try to think of something to write about and I come up with a blank. Writer's block??
I have been feeling that my farmlife had much more fodder for posting than my citylife.
Everyday on the farm there is something uniquely rural related that emerges and provides an image and the potential to wax lyrical.
I also have more time. Time, to ponder the meaning of life and my place in it.
Back in Sydney I am more preoccupied with work naturally, but I also find my days have more routine and less opportunity for the type of blog material I hope is interesting for you.
I thought it might help stimulate my creative juices if I look back at some of what I have done in the last four weeks.
I celebrated my birthday long distance with beautiful flowers from Mark
This is a great night of food and wine under the lampshade and stars in the historic Rocks area of Sydney. Very special.
Have been eating plenty of spring vegetables including these fresh peas and broad beans I made into a puree to go with lamb cutlets for dinner with my sister A and nephew L. We had a good night! And another the next with some more of the family.
Have been making some of my farmlife no knead bread at least once a week. Also tested a part wholemeal version which was delicious
Ate at Balla at The Star. The new Steve Manfredi restaurant.
Their offer was two courses and a glass of wine for $38
Fish and a rich tomato, olive and caper sauce |
Chocolate Crunch |
I hadn't been to the Star Casino since its renovation and reopening and it is an absolute improvement on the old one. Not that I am a fan of Casinos - but the hotel, retail and dining looks very Sydney 5 star.
A special Sunday lunch in Bowral with W and P.
W's excellent pea tart went well with my zucchini ribbon salad, with mint and feta.
Set up my office at home. Adjusting to that - and really enjoying it.
Started a new project and also ramped up planning for the Australian Tourism Awards.
Lots of walking, reading, and catching up with friends for coffee, breakfast and dinner.
Not a bad life. Is it worth reading about I wonder?