Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Everyday wildlife

As much as Australia is renowned for its wildlife, we don't have this native american animal

I went to sleep last night to the sound of coyotes and was awakened by them this morning. It must have been a big night out in the woods near our fields.

At first they sound almost melodious. Then their baying conversation became louder with the pack reaching an overwhelming crescendo. Like a good dinner party, I thought. 

However, M said this morning the howling increased when they caught and killed some other animal, which I must say has never happened at a party of ours.

I read today that as they become more used to humans they could attack so I plan not to go looking for them for a photo op for the blog.
Instead I thought I would share these photos I downloaded so that Australian readers can see what they look like. Similar to a dingo perhaps?

Don't think it is all scary animals here - we had a gentle visitor yesterday afternoon

A young doe not even 100 metres from our farmhouse

Meandering slowly on wobbly legs under the fruit trees- keeping one eye on us

Only running off when I got up from my chair in the yard to have a closer look.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pig to sausage

We have been enjoying local Berkshire pork for the last couple of years - grown by a family friend.

The black Berkshire pig is renowned for its richness, texture, marbling juiciness, tenderness and overall depth of flavour.

They are raised not far from our farmhouse so we can regularly visit the "berkies" to see how they are faring.  M even took the three that we had ordered to share with friends to their final meeting place.

We are so hands on in our quest to enjoy locally grown food that we made sausages from the pork on Saturday - under the tuition of our friend W.

A very productive and entertaining afternoon.

These are the Tuscan sausages with garlic and and fennel 

The pork is first of all put through the grinder

Spices added

Fed through the sausage machine into the skins

What more can I say

The long sausage is knotted into string of nicely plum sausages

They are then put into the freezer to mature for a couple of weeks.

Will let you know how they taste.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

What is achievement?

The first two weeks of my "sabbatical" flew by - with a trip to Birmingham Alabama to see our friend D over the 4th July weekend and a wonderful visit last week from our friends from Oz W&J. 

Spending more time here means I will get to see a bit more of America and we always love to have our friends visit.  All good.  

However, after that initial busy time and with more time on my hands I hit a bit of a low spot early this week -wondering how I would fill my days here on the farm.  

Work wise, I am used to achieving things - through  problem solving, communication and planning.
I always felt an immense satisfaction when a project was completed,  I retained a new client or my list of tasks reduced.
(I am a Virgo in case you didn't guess.)

Now I need to find a different way to satisfy my need to achieve.
To count the things I do each day here as achievements - just different from "my job".

Like this:

Pick fresh veges each day from our garden

Make meals which include at least one ingredient from our garden

Forage for chanterelles and make a new chanterelle recipe-rillettes

Make fresh pasta (sorry no pic)
bake a loaf of bread

Practise my pastry making

Break my block and do some writing 

And yes, lay in the hammock and read.

I have had a good week.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A new chapter

Today is the first day of my "gap 6 months" from my business and work.
For the first time in over thirty five years I will not have work projects to occupy and stimulate me, 
or to provide an income.

I have been planning this since late last year - and thought that these next months on the farm would give me the space and time to wind down and think about my work future. 

In spite of this being planned it still feels like I am taking a big step and I sometimes notice when I am telling people what I am doing I seem to sound a bit deranged.

The idea is not to worry about what lies ahead work wise - but enjoy this "free" time I have.

The farm is the the ideal place to do this - no reminders of my city worklife, a quiet place for reflection but also plenty to do here on a day to day basis - just living our farmlife.

Like making apricot jam - today I made small inroad into this crop of apricots from our laden tree.

The preserving takes place tomorrow.  No rush to get it done today.

Me being me however, I have a list of things I hope to achieve. I won't share them with you just yet....

I hope you will join me on this journey of self-discovery- I think I will need all the support I can get!