Monday, June 25, 2012

Peach Jam twice

My city life does not involve making jam.  
I have been on the farm for 4 days and have already made 2 batches using our white peaches.   
First up was  the slow cooked version.

I referred to a few recipes and tips from this book- my mother-in-law's Farm Journal
cookbook from 1963.

Mark peeled and cut up the peaches - 8 cups

6 cups of sugar!
I shut my eyes when that goes in with the peaches along with 4 tablespoons of lemon juice.
I think the lemon is supposed to counteract the sugar calories.

Cook over a medium heat until it comes to the boil.
This foam comes to the top - remove with a spoon after 10 minutes. Keep doing that.

Boil gently for an hour until you can put a blob on a cold plate and it doesn't run.
Mine took a while longer.

In it goes into sterilised jars, sealed and simmered in boiling water for ten minutes.
  2nd batch (left)                     1st batch (right) 
 Had it for breakfast today on toasted sourdough with coffee in my new mug.
A little runny - but delicious. Gorgeous rosy peach colour,  just the right amount of sweetness.

Version two was quicker - using pectin.  I miscalculated quantities and didn't add enough pectin.
It didn't set.   I now have eleven jars of sweet liquid peach.

Any takers?

PS  Googled and found out what we can do with it.
Use as a syrup for french toast, drizzle it over cheesecake, a topping for ice-cream or fruit salad.

I will be like the side of a house by the time I get back to my city life. Take some please.

And Mark has just brought in another large bowl of peaches!

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