Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Another scorcher

Temperatures were heading upwards rapidly as I took myself  off early to do a 5k walk on the Carlyle Dam before a 1k swim this morning. 
Are you impressed?

One of my goals while I am here and have more free time is to up my daily exercise.  
This is proving harder than I thought due to the heat wave.
It is too bloody hot to get out and exercise at any other time of the day for very long- so I am trying to pack it into the early part of the day.

As hot as it is, I keep expecting to see more people swimming at the pool 
during the lap hours from 8-9am.

Not so - this is the pool this morning.

The water is a tad warmer than I generally like - but it still feels great.

Also entertaining - as country music is played loudly throughout my laps.

Back home by 9.30am I have the day ahead of me - these days mostly spent inside in the air conditioning.

I have to say the heat has been very conducive to keeping me focussed on some work projects I  continue to do while I am here. I have had a very productive day.

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