Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Corn - an update

The temperatures remain high and any slight breeze we get is very dry - it is already 100F in St Louis at 11am.

For crop followers, our corn is speeding towards maturity with these  record high temperatures and no rain.
An updated photo of ears of corn from our fields. 

An update from Mark 
"Due to the heat and dryness anywhere from 5-10 kernels per row that had pollinated, have not filled out and are a total loss. The ear on the left of the tape had great potential but the heat during pollination led to only a handful of kernals on the ear actually pollinating. We will have some corn- many fields in the area are likely near  zero yield and the dairy farmers have been chopping silage for days as the corn is rapidly drying down in the heat"

An update from me
It may be too late to save the corn crop- but I can't wait for the temps to drop and some rain to clear the dust and freshen the garden. I am over this heat.

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